Sonja Kraiczy

I am a DPhil student in Computer science under the supervision of Edith Elkind. I am broadly interested in algorithmic social choice, mechanism design and algorithmic game theory.

Previously, I studied for an MSc in Mathematics and Foundations of Computer Science (MFoCS) at the University of Oxford and a BSc (Hons) in  Computing Science and Mathematics at the University of Glasgow.

E-mail: Name(dot)Surname(at)cs(dot)ox(dot)ac(dot)uk



A Lower Bound for Local Search PAV

Sonja Kraiczy,  Edith Elkind

[Conference] ESA 2024

[Workshop] COMSOC 2023 (preliminary version)

Stability in Random Hedonic Games

Martin Bullinger, Sonja Kraiczy*

[Conference] EC 2024

An Adaptive and Verifiably Proportional Method for Participatory Budgeting

Sonja Kraiczy, Edith Elkind

[Conference] WINE 2023

Properties of the Mallows Model Depending on the Number of Alternatives: A Warning for an Experimentalist

Niclas Boehmer, Piotr Faliszewski, Sonja Kraiczy*

[Conference] ICML 2023

[Workshop] COMSOC 2023

Fairness in Temporal Slot Assignment

Edith Elkind, Sonja Kraiczy*, Nicholas Teh

[Conference] SAGT 2022

[Workshop] COMSOC 2023

Explaining Preferences by Multiple Patterns in Voters' Behavior

Sonja Kraiczy, Edith Elkind

[Conference] IJCAI 2022.

Exact Learning of Preference Structure: Single-peaked Preferences and Beyond

Sonja Kraiczy, Edith Elkind

[Conference] ICML 2022

Solving Graph Homomorphism and Subgraph Isomorphism Problems Faster Through Clique Neighbourhood Constraint 

Sonja Kraiczy*, Ciaran McCreesh

[Conference] IJCAI 2021

On Absolutely and Simply Popular Rankings 

Sonja Kraiczy, Agnes Cseh and David Manlove

[Conference (Extended Abstract)] AAMAS 2021

[Journal] Discrete Applied Mathematics 2023

*alphabetical ordering of author names

Other Activities



University of Oxford, Mathematical Institute